Thursday, January 21, 2010

More ugly guys with pretty girls as couples than ugly girls with handsome guys as couples?

I usually see more pretty girls with ugly, fat, or average looking guys. But I've never seen any hot or handsome guy with an ugly or fat girl. Is it because guys are more shallow while girls look more into the inner beauty or even the size of the pay check?

I know that girls usually get criticized for their looks since both males and females are very critical of how girls look.More ugly guys with pretty girls as couples than ugly girls with handsome guys as couples?
A man's job is what he does.

A man's woman is who he is.

And unfortunately, men care what their friends think about their woman.More ugly guys with pretty girls as couples than ugly girls with handsome guys as couples?

Attractive girls go for the ';ugly'; guys, because the majority of them feel sorry for them (because they know, normally the guy could never get with that kind of girl -- which doubles as security for the girl, because the ugly guy is less likely to cheat on her, because he feels lucky to have her)

Attractive girls go for attractive guys, for obvious reasons.

However attractive guys RARELY go for unattractive girls, because for many guys, a girlfriend is a ';prize';, a ';trophy'; that he can wave infront of his mates. Therefore, he needs to be proud of his girlfriend, and this is through a slim, attractive girl. ';inner beauty'; to many guys, rarely comes into it. It's more of a ';bonus'; if the hot girl can hold a conversation and has half a personality.

Thats life.
yes, that is true that it's easier to meet beauty girl with not really interesting guy. usually they are not handsome but has got golden visa and it makes them more attractive than poor sexy guy.

i have meet some couples on which he was good looking part. in only one of this few couples woman is earning more than her husband.
in my opinion, it touches men's ego. if they got a pretty woman, fellow men will salute them. but it could be other way around, i know a woman who chose to marry an ugly guy to keep him follow what she wants, i mean she dominates her husband in an awful way. its not an ideal marriage.

but anyway, the moral lesson is, love a person w/ sincerity whatever be his/her appearance, its seldom to find real love in a just physical attraction.
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