Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can Police divorce couples?

On a recent episode of Southland on NBC, one of the police officers divorced a couple. Can police officers legally divorce a couple?Can Police divorce couples?
No we can't, although it would be a lot of fun.

Remember TV is TV.Can Police divorce couples?
lol i just posted this question, and am watching it too

look in the link below, sombody said its not possible. but idk ill wait until i get more answers to solidify that
No! an attorney has to file divorce papers, and if there's a hearing then

the Judge does that! Cops uphold the Law of the land.
i'm just glad other people like this TV show as much as me. i was wondering if they could. i always assumed no, that papers must be filed....
he just says that to get them to stfu and get the Freak out
Your watching to much TV no they can't.
Jeeez.... Can they marry them too? the answer is NO!!!!
it's called tv . enough said I laugh at you

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