Sunday, May 9, 2010

For all the couples TTC for 6 months or more.?

Just wanted to hear the stories of couples who have been TTC for 6 months or more. And also couples who have been successful.

What do you do to keep your hopes up and not stress that something is wrong.

Me and my partner have been TTC for 7 months now. Thought this was the month i was 8 days late. but nope not this month. fingers crossed for next month. Baby dust for all......For all the couples TTC for 6 months or more.?
I'm 26, and this is our 8th month of trying. I had no clue it would take so long, and be so heartbreaking. We did actually conceive the first month we tried, but it ended in an early miscarriage. I'd be almost 8 months pregnant right now, so close to our dream. I'd be lying if I said I'm not starting to worry, but I just keep telling myself that this is normal, and I am anything but alone in this. I guess my fiance keeps me going. He completes me, and I'm so lucky just to have him. He makes me happy and has a way of making me laugh and taking my mind off things. I just enjoy the free time we have, and having the money to do whatever we want. Don't get me wrong, a baby is what we want most, but for now it keeps me going. I just enjoy my life, and am thankful for everything I do already have. There's just one huge piece of it missing! I just keep telling myself that every unsuccessful month that goes by, brings us one month closer to the success of conceiving. We knocked out 7 months of the year that it can take, so it has to happen soon! Hopefully! I just try to stay positive.

My advice would be to keep enjoying the life you have now, enjoy your partner, never lose hold of the bond you have with him. Stay positive and wish for the best. We are all worthy and we will get our blessings very soon. All the luck and baby dust in the world for all of us TTC! May we all end our cycles with a BFP!!!!! Good luck to you :)For all the couples TTC for 6 months or more.?
Just remind yourself that it will happen when the time is right and try to stop stressing about it, that really does hinder, it did with me and as soon as i'd given up on the idea i became pregnant with my first.

Also, enjoy the sex you can have now, try to make it exciting and enjoyable for both of you rather than concentrating on whether or not it will result in a baby. This is the time to realise you are both doing this because you love each other so much and you should concentrate on that deep love you have and the fact that you can enjoy the sex now without having to worry about waking the baby!

It will happen, it is still early days for you, give it until the 12 month mark and then you can consider consulting a doctor to help you on the way.

Get knitting for the baby, that's relaxing, therapeutic hobby!

Good luck and finger's crossed!
We have been trying for over a year, but we work quite different shifts so most months we are missing the right time. It is very frustrating and upsetting but what helps me:

I believe that all things in Life happen for a reason and if it hasn't happened yet, there must be a very good reason for it.

I also treat myself with a nice glass of wine and food that I wouldn't eat if I thought I was pregnant. So when I get my period, I have a little fest, if you like, to get something good out of it.

Then I do my best again, take all the right vitamins (Prenatal) etc, eat all the right food etc and get ready for the next time to try!

It helps me, anyway.

Hope you get your wish soon enough! Good luck!
My husband and I will have been TTC for 2 years 10/19/2006. I'm 21. He's 29(he'll be 30 in October). He doesn't want me to get pregnant, if he gets a job in Schlumberger which is an oil digging company, because he doesn't want to be seperated from his son or daughter for 6 years, and doesn't like the idea that his son or daughter won't know him, especially since he'd only be coming around every 4 months. So I'll be 7 years infertile by the time I'm able to finally live with my husband again, if he gets the job, since Schlumberger doesn't allow their workers to bring their families.
Me and my husband was ttc for a little over 8 months when it just happened. We tried not to stress about it but the longer it took I must admit I was getting worried that something was wrong. Don't stress that's the last thing you need to do. They say they don't consider a couple or (woman) I believe infertile until you've been trying for a year or so then you should seek a dr's help perhaps. So keep track of your ovulation and keep having sex as much as possible. Don't get discouraged. Baby dust to you!!!
HI --It's not unusual to to take up to a year to conceive. My husband and I tried for a year with an ovulation predictor kit and finally got pregnant. Some of my friends took just as long.

What was really hard for me is everyone asking ';what's taking so long'; and ';are you even TRYING?'; Questions like these I found were rude and hurtful and made the whole process even more frustrating.

If you're in your 20s you may conceive faster than if you are in your 30s. My doctor told me to try for 6 months, and if I still wasn't pregnant then they would START the process of eliminating possible fertility issues. We did preliminary blood work on me and sperm count on him and everything was totally normal.

After 7 or 8 months I was referred to a fertility specialist, but I took my time in going and found out I was pregnant before I ever used the referral.

I would suggest getting an ovulation predictor kit if you don't have one to speed things up. You need to know exactly when you're ovulating. The digital kind from Clear Blue Easy is what I bought...and although it was expensive it was SO worth every penny now that I'm six months pregnant.

Don't get too discouraged. Start talking to your doctor if you haven't been already about possible causes. Take your vitamins, cut back on caffeine and drink lots of water. You'll probably get pregnant when you least expect it!
I'm 24 and we've been TTC since May .. and nothing yet! It's getting irritating! I just don't know what else to do.. I know everyone says ';quit trying and you'll get pregnant'; .. or 5-6 months isn't crap, that it usually takes awhile.. but urrrgh! There are girls out there getting pregnant as we speak who don't want to be pregnant and here we all are, hoping to and we get nothing! haha ... much baby dust to you * %26amp; good luck!
in august just gone by i was 8 months trying and i had done everything.... i was so ready to give up and it was putting such a strain on my relationship.... my DH said that we would BD every second day and except for the week that predicted that i was ovulating for that week we BD every day and it worked... i am 7 weeks pregnant..... but it was a long rocky road.... tears each and every month that past.... the best thing to do is each start of you cycle say you will BD as much as you can and that you will not get you hopes up does work all that well but i started it 2 months before i found out i was pregnant .... moral just dont give up hope and dont get to excited
me and my wife were trying for 2 years before she had our wee lassie ,shes 6 year old now , i just dropped her off at school, so don't give up and don't think its never going to happen , cos lt will happen when you least expect it ....and GOOD LUCK

no joke after intercourse lie down and get your partner to hold your legs up so your almost doing a hand stand , my wife recons that was what helped us conceive.

you don't need to buy an ovulating kit just count 14 days from the day you start your period, that's when your ovulating,
Me and my hubby tried for 6 months! Our doctor said if we hadn't gotten pregnant by one year that we would need further testing. Keep trying and maybe don't worry as much about it! We got pregnant when I stopped worrying about it! Good luck!

P.S. We think it took longer this time because of my age! My other two kids are 10 and 9 years old!
Myself and my fiance started TTC in Feburary. In June I finally got the BFP, only to end up in a miscarriage. Going on the 8th month of ttc and still nothing!~ :( I hope this month we finally get the result we have been waiting for... afterall...they say good things come to those who wait! :)

Best of luck to you! :)
This is month 8, but only month 3 of having normal took 5 months for me to get regular after DEPO. This may be our month, but who knows? I won't know until October 6th. =P

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