Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do the same stereotypes exist with older and younger lesbian couples as with an older man and a younger woman?

I was just curious, in the lesbian world, do you think an older woman who dated someone half her age would get the same types of responses that a man sometimes gets when he dates someone much younger than him? Or is it different in this situation? Or, when you are dating in the same gender, do you only tend to be attracted to people who are more your age?Do the same stereotypes exist with older and younger lesbian couples as with an older man and a younger woman?
Hmm...interesting question. I would think there would be less stereotypes with the lesbian couple. People have so many other stereotypes about lesbians in general that the age difference would probably barely be noticed, unless one of the women were a minor. Plus, there seems to be less stigma attached to older women who are with younger men--I think there's some specific stereotype about older men with younger women, that the women are ';gold-diggers'; or the men are pervs or something. I'm a lesbian, and I've been attracted to women who are older than I am, though I've never been with an older woman. But I find some older women beautiful, just like younger women. So I think it's probably the same, whether you're gay or straight.Do the same stereotypes exist with older and younger lesbian couples as with an older man and a younger woman?
probably different stereotypes.. older man with young girl are perceived as rich tycoon looking for a trophy wife, and gold-digger.

lesbians are already stereotyped as being confused about their sexuality.. so age differences are often ignored..

as far as your question about preferences, i tend to be attracted to older men and younger women.. which is strange..

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