Sunday, May 9, 2010

For single people only please do you get a lonely feeling when you see two couples together on valentines day?

I know i do feel jealous and all that i know i should not be, but its human nature. Especially when they exchange chocolates and hugs and kisses on valentines day.For single people only please do you get a lonely feeling when you see two couples together on valentines day?
F*** ya

My best friend always has guys chasing after her and it drives me crazy. So on valentines day its gonna be even worse. I have no idea how I am going to survive that day cause it makes me so jealous. Like y dont any of the guys do that to me? Dont worry, you have every right to be jealous and so does everyone elseFor single people only please do you get a lonely feeling when you see two couples together on valentines day?
A little bit, but I still have a good day because I've always make Valentine for everyone I met that day and I celebrate with my family. It doesn't matter if your single. You can still celebrate it. It's not just for couples. There are different types of love. If you really want to hug and kiss why not make a hug and kiss booth? There's something to think about. Good luck in finding a Valentine. I hope you find someone special. :)
No, and there is no need for you too fell lonely on this day.. See valentine's day is not meant only for couples, it for everybody.. You can express your feelings for all your loved ones on this day.. be it your parents, siblings, friends, grand parents .. people you like, admire etc..etc...

So go ahead %26amp; pamper yourself %26amp; ur loved ones on this day rather than feeling lonely.. I hope this suggestion makes you feel better.. Try this out %26amp; let me know..

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!! (In advance)

Take care :)
Yes I do and it makes me so jealous
Hell yea. Something I wish I was in that person shoes.
I use to , but not anymore...I have my cute baby girl...I give her big bunnys, teddys and chocolates...which I always end up eating

She says '; daddy, thank you ,will you be my valenting tomorrow too'; I said okay. so I end up going out the next day and buy her more of what I stated above.
You are very right it is human nature and yeah I do get a bit sad, and what is even worse is loving someone and never telling them because of fear of rejection or just not getting loved back and it is such a horrible feeling. Maybe one day I'll change this... Maybe all of us singles should take a stand this valentines day and just take chances.. I wonder what would happen.
are you like REALLY desperate?
For me, not just Valentine's Day-- normal days, too, I sometimes feel lonely seeing couples while here I am, alone.
Not really. I get lonely when I am alone and need someone to hold me and tell me I am special to them. No holiday makes it worst.
of course and i think everyone does. damn valetine day
Two couples together?

Sounds like a threesome with a spare.
Not really. Why be bothered with something thats out of your hands?
ugh yes. it sucks!! but thank god im not single anymore... but yea when i was single every time i saw a couple kiss/hug/smile at each other it made me happy and sad at the same time
Yeah but I go and hang out with a group of my buddies instead and have an ';anti-valentines'; day. Also I can buy myself chocoloate and sit down and pig out without worrying what anyone is thinking. :)
lol yes, damn those happy couples!! But its just a hallmark holiday, I'm sure by next year you'll have someone to spend lots of money on :) Its not that awfully bad, only one day!!
yes...makes me want to smack them...
Yes, i do feel it in my heart no matter how much i tell my mind to override it.

But i try to be happy for others around me getting all the lovey dovey stuff or telling me their plans and romantic funny endearing stories.

I suck it up and wait for FEB 15th....more like the FEB 16th i should say...FEB 15th turns out to be the ';tell others day';.

I don't hate, just feel like missing out.
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