Sunday, May 9, 2010

Couples who have been together for more then 10 years?

someone told me that there is no way people are together for 10 20 30 or 40 years without at least 1 of them cheating on the other is this true?

i mean i know it happens but im sure there are people who have been together for years and years and no one has cheated on the other at least i hope so

how long have you been married?

have either of you cheated?

why or why not?

thanksCouples who have been together for more then 10 years?
I've been married for 15 years and never cheated. My husband has never cheated on me either unless he's a damn good liar.

Whoever told you that ';there is no way people are together for 10 20 30 or 40 years without at least 1 of them cheating on the other'; is wrong. I'm sure not EVERY marriage has at least 1 cheater.Couples who have been together for more then 10 years?
People now a days and for many years do not listen to their vows nor do they understand them. I have been married to the same woman for thirty some years and as we have had arguments from time to time neither of us has strayed away from our vows, she remains the light of my life and I hers. People want what they want when they want it, we live in an instant society, we have strayed away from the correct path and really care only about our selves. But to answer your question, yes there are people who don鈥檛 cheat after many years of marriage.
I've been married to my husband for eleven yrs no cheating here. But we've been together for 13 yrs. and he's always worked out of town. I've had people ask me if we've cheated, but it's all about trust and knowing your partner. We are both attractive people and people check us out and we check out other people but it's just looking not a big deal. my husband gets apporcheced by women at his job and their are attractive women in his office, but I don't worry just cause it happed to someone else doesn't mean you have to let there bad experiences affect your life.
Together and married for 15 years.

We have never cheated on each other.

We are 150% committed to our relationship.

We were in our early 30's when we married, and we work hard at our relationship. We are very deeply committed to each other.

Yes, there are ';Real Men/ Real Women'; out there!
Eh, I'm sure there's at least 1 couple.

13 years, wife and I have both had emotional affairs and kissed someone else at one point or another.

You get complacent, you ignore each other, you get lonely and you find someone else that feels the same way. Then you realize you are (re)connecting with the wrong person and go running home.
I've been with my wife for I guess 12 years, married 10.

I haven't cheated.

Mainly because I had low self esteem. If my self esteem had been higher for some of those years, the way she treated our relationship I probably would have cheated. But I was dumb enough to think the problem was me and that nobody could want me.

I'm hoping the next 10 years will be better.
That is total nonesense. I have been married 20 years to a smokin hot woman who is in love with me, and I with her. Neither of us ever cheated, neither will cheat.

But we both work to keep the passion alive - both stayed fit. Both make sex a high priority.
I don't think that there is any evidence that suggest that something like that is true. But evidence does show that nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce.

The key is not to become to complacent. Compromise and always try to maintain a healthy relationship and sex.
I am 25 and he is 28, we have been together since middle school (11 yrs) and married for 2 of the years. I have never cheated, he cheated on me with one of my friends when I was like 16. I got over it after I beat her azz and warned him....
I love the ladies who answer ';we are totally committed to each other'; garbage statements. Get their man alone he will admit to cheating or wanting to cheat but was not man enough to act on the need. Please don't believe any of this. It is like GW telling us there were WMDs.
I was married to my first husband for almost 30 years. I never even gave cheating a thought, and I am 99% sure he never cheated either. We divorced for other reasons.
no, it's not true. I was married 22 years and there was no cheating, even when our marriage was on the rocks.

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