Sunday, May 9, 2010

Couples outfit...why is this famous among Koreans?

I was in Seoul last April, i thought it was just incidental that I saw some young couples wearing almost the same outfit while strolling... to my surprise on our flight back, we were like in a flight with over 20 couples (look like honeymooners) wearing identical outfits.. even the colors are the same. Why is that so?Couples outfit...why is this famous among Koreans?
One reason and one reason only.

To make others know they are in love haha :)

Firstly it started with a drama episode ( I don't know what drama it is)

And than voila! everyone who is a lovey dovey couple does it. And well it is a every girls dream.

For me personally it is cute to look at but I don't think I would do it haha...I would be so shy :)Couples outfit...why is this famous among Koreans?
This is simply because of their lack of fashion sense. Didn't you notice it during the stay in Korea? I did.

The people in high fashion are mostly Japanese or Taiwanese tourists, and even Chinese wear their clothes far better than the locals do. You might think that Koreans are kind of conservative or modest, but actually they never are. They just don't know how to enjoy fashion and what to wear. So, there is no wonder that many couples wear the same outfit, following what they see on TV.
its on tv and some celebrities did that so now normal couples are doing that too. it started with couple rings but now theyre outfits. they just want to show that they are couples way of showing love i guess. heehee
it's annoying I know some even wear the same sneakers or bags......arghhH!
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