Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why dont my parents accept interracial couples?

I am a white female and I date all colors they dont want me to date black guys cuz they hit girls and only use gurlz they say. but my ex boyfriend is black and the most loving kind person i ever met and I cryed cuz my parent would neva wnt 2 meet him and just called him bad black names.I dont kno what 2 do!!!!!!help me please!I love him and my parents sed if i stay w him they will dis own me and my family. they call me a ***** lova and no white guy will ever want me now.cuz i was with a black guy.they sed only white trash and ugly girls date blacks.Why dont my parents accept interracial couples?
Honey you obviously know your parents and a lot of people are racial but that does NOT make it okay that's why you should be very happy to know that you are your own person and make your own decision. Telling a girl she's less than a man is sexism, so is telling a black guy he's less than a white man is racism. It should NEVER be allowed but people do it all the time. Just be the one to find happiness NO MATTER what skin colour, and if people want to stereotype you then that's only a real sad problem with them! not you!

If your ex made you happy then be happy, coz finding an honest man is hard in itself.. regardless of skin tone!

And as for your parents... some folks never change (even mine) give them time but don't let them teach you that being racist is ok! Coz it never is!Why dont my parents accept interracial couples?
omg, you poor thing!!

well I guess this proves that parent's aren't always right and they don't always do / know the right things...!

As long as they are not really throwing you out of the house, go right ahead and date any ';color'; you want.

Also try to talk with your parents in a reasonable fashion. Tell them, you are Not Ugly and you are Not White Trash (obviously) so duH, maybe you are with the guy because he is a gentleman, intelligent, interesting etc. etc. And that there are loads of white guys who ';hit girls and only use them for u-know-what'; etc.

Just remember, you can't change your parents completely, after all they are fixed in their time-warp ways - but you should never stop trying!! If someone is say niggalova, then it means they are not thinking too deeply on the subject - that's Problem # 1 !!!
If you're parents feel this way, there is a good reason for it. You're too young to know if you love this guy and want to be with him forever. You're YOUNG and don't know everything there is to know about life, and you never will for that matter, but you dont know enough. He may be a nice guy but there is a reason your parents dont want you with him. The only white girls I've ever seen dating black guys are trashy, fat, or both. If you date a black guy, no white guy will ever want to date you again, I promise you this. By fiance would have never gave me the time of day if I had ever been with a black guy and vice versa.
im sorry that u r in such a problem but heres the deal ur parents are small minded and r set in there ways wat u need to think about is if u love ur bf so much that u would leave your family for him then if u can u need to tell your family and your boyfriend how u r feeling if u chose me for your best answer i would like to no how u responed to this
When you become a big girl, and pay your way through life, away from mommy and daddy, date whoever you want.
Why don't you just go and ask them?


At least you would probably know the real reason why, instead of our opinions. Even if you don't like what you hear, at least you could get an honest answer to your question.

Good luck!

: )
They're Old School!
If the day in age that we are in now. It was probably their upbringing too. Someone i know likes black guys and her parents have went to the extent of telling her that in the bible it's a sin to date outside your race. God sees no different. He only see equal. Keep doin' what you are doin' if it makes you happy. Any race can hit and beat their women. I would much rather my child to be with a black guy that is going to treat her like gold and see her happy rather than a white man that is going to beat her and see her miserable.
If you're an adult, do what you want. Your parents are in the wrong. You need to take each individual for who he is, not judge by color.

You need to realize that your parents aren't the only ones who will look at you differently if you are with a black guy, so you may want to consider what your life will be like in public.

But if that doesn't bother you, you should live your own life, once you are out of the house and on your own. As long as you live in your parents' house and they pay your way, you have to abide by their rules.

I doubt if any white guy worth having would refuse you, based on who you've dated before.

Also, believe me when I say, it is not only people living in the South who have attitudes about interracial relationships. People up north just like to pretend they don't have prejudices. Obviously they do, or they would not be making assumptions that your parents are from the South! I lived up north for several years, and got a lot of snide remarks when people found out I'm from the South. They never realized right off, since I don't have an accent. Jerks abound in every part of the country (although I still believe most people are basically nice).
You're parents are ignorant. If they can't see you happy, then they only think of themselves. I've been in an interracial relationship for 4.5 years now. At first, his white mom didn't like it because she didn't want her son to be a victim of racism. But because she saw how happy he was, she allowed it and now is my closest friend. Black, white, red, green, we are all the same people. People should stop hating.
It is very difficult for the older generation to accept interracial couples. That is not how they were brought up. The younger generation can accept it better because they have more of an open mind. I really don't know the answer. You have to make up your mind as to what you want more. Before you decide please take a long time to think about it. They were harsh on you, but remember they only want what they think is best. Even though you don't agree. Good luck.
i feel your pain as i am in this situation...mine is not black he is arab but i have dated ppl from many different races, its not fair for people to be so narrow minded especially your parents they should see that he was a caring loving guy no matter what and all the names and things that said seem horrible to me!

but praise to you because you accept people and their differences....i chose to stay with my man and now i barely talk to my parents that may sound rude on my part but thats how i dealt with it, they need to accept him someday and who knows if they will but I am so happy! you cant always please your parents...your gonna wear the wrong clothes and date the wrong guys and buy the wrong car, house, etc. dont let them stand in the way of your true happiness! my parents basically disowned should talk to him and tell him this and maybe he can help you out.

im sorry your going through this i know it causes pain for everyone but nothing can stand in the way of true love! if u really wanna talk u can contact me i would love to help more.
parents know whats best for their children, don't argue with them. they come from a different generation. they must be a good southern family with southern roots.
white trash and ugly girls don't date black guys. trust me i've dated a black guy. they want the same things that a white guy wants. and if your parents have a problem with it and if you love him it shouldn't matter. choose who means the most to you. and not all black guys treat girls bad. they are human too so they shouldn't be treated like that.
I think your parents need to grow up and except all gods children.they maybe never change but i would not stop going out with him just because your parents do not like black people.times has changed we don't see people for there color but for who they are.tell your parents that it is time to change its 2006.
My ex-wife was a black woman and i loved her very much, if you know this is the guy for you with all of your heart and soul then stick with him, but make sure as with any guy that he is the right one for you. It doesn't matter what color he is though, if you love him that's all that matters.

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