Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do people assume that gay couples are irresponsible parents?

t boggles the mind. Most pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL. And people are not ';raised to be gay';. I hate stereotypes and this is the worst type of stereotype becasue no one in society is lower than the pedophile. People will probably answer that they do not think that gay people abuse and molest children but that does not stop the fact that many if not most have this deep-seated ignorance.

The myth that same-sex couples create dysfunctional children has been disproven time and time again and there is no evidence to support it only bias and righteousness.Why do people assume that gay couples are irresponsible parents?
Because the are ignorant!Why do people assume that gay couples are irresponsible parents?
Because they're tied up in their own fears what they learned from their innept peers and parents that gays are perverts etc. And maybe they fear also that gays would prove better parents than they are, the dysfunctional folk most hetero people are already.
Because they are stupid.......
I don't understand why people think this way other than religious upbringing and ignorance (which pardon me, but they usually go hand in hand).

From what I've discovered, most people that are against gay parenting have never met a gay parent in their life. They think in traditional terms where ';the Bible says man and woman should have baby.'; Exactly. They blindly turn away from bad talking single parent families or anything else, but they always seem to target gay parents.

I've actually met a few people who were raised by two mothers. I haven't ever met anyone raised by two fathers unfortunately, but I've met at least three of my friends who have two mothers.

My friends family conditions weren't perfect, but who is? I've had friends whose parents emotionally and physically abused them--and they've come from traditional man-woman families. No family comes from propaganda posters from WWI.

But yea, people assume that gay couples are irresponsible parents because of the sole fact that they are ignorant to the fact that a child can thrive in any given environment where there are lots of love, attention, and devotion to the child.
Just look at the word 'assume' - a-s-s u me... that's why... because they are asses.
Because most so called ';normal'; and ';righteous'; people are filled up with groundless homophobic prejudices in which they often mix homosexuality and paedophily.

But all studies proved that children raised by Gay parents are as normal and balanced and happy as any children raised in heterosexual families.

But prejudices have strong and long lives. Many more water will flow in the amazon before prejudices against GLBT people will dry out.
most straight couples are mor irresponsible then gay couples

b-cuz the people i watch kids suck at parenting when i had to watch this kid 1nce when i went to there house it was amess and the baby wasn't changed had diaper rash no clean clothes dirty dishes and all they wanted to go do was go gamble for bout 5 hrs
I think most people who do not approve of gay couples raising children are NOT saying they are irresponsible. But as those who believe in man/women marriage and family units, we believe that children should be raised in the home with the family unit as it was meant to be, with a MOTHER and a FATHER. I personally believe that it is very important in a child's upbringing have the influences that a mother and father provide. I don't care how you argue the point, 2 lesbians or 2 gay men do not provide that kind of family life for the child. But it does not mean that they are irresponsible or less caring or less loving. It is the traditional family setting that is missing. You will probably say it should not matter, and this is where the disagreement comes in.
Well people who are gay don't have the mother father attraction on a child as straight people do.

But they do try their best at making sure their child gets what they need.

If a child grows up in a gay family they will soon be made fun of at school and the teachers then blame the parents so that why most people don't think gays can raise children.

But i totally disagree so people should let people raise their family the way they want to.
Because they are closed minded, and can not look past the gay issue. They see two gay people and that is all that they think about. When they finally get past their issues with homosexuality, and focus on the parenting issue, they are afraid. They are afraid of something new that is not what they would consider ';normal.'; They can not accept the truth that homosexuals can be good parents too, if not even better.
I think it's cause if you have two gay men, and they have a male child with them, there would be a chance they would molest him. I mean if preists were know to do that, what chance does a regular gay man have to contradict this claim?
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