Friday, December 25, 2009

Christians. Do you think infertile couples should divorce?

Many Christians use the argument against homosexuality that God intended the sacrament of marriage to be a means of reproducing offspring. Obviously a gay marriage could not fulfill this.

However, if a hetrosexual couple marry and find that they are infertile, is this an abomination against God if they stay together as they will not reproduce either?Christians. Do you think infertile couples should divorce?
No. It is perfectly OK to remain married just because the couple is unable to have children. Maybe it is God's plan to put the couple together to adopt a child already here and raise the child as their own.Christians. Do you think infertile couples should divorce?
I thought Christians didn't do divorce - 'What god has joined together let no man put asunder' etc and all that jazz.
No, no, no. There are so many other options. All of which can be equally glorifying to God. There are so many unwanted children on this planet who need loving homes. Be open to what God has in store for you. He might be using the infertility to bring a child into your life through other means because that is how He plans to use you to fulfill His purposes.
I think Christians that argue for or against hetrosexual marriages with the excuse of producing offspring is wrong. I am a Christian and although I am against the idea of gay relationships, I still believe that, that is the persons choice. I don't judge people by the decisions that they make. I don't believe God intended men to be with men or women to be with women. But I am not God so therefore I can't go around telling people what is right or wrong. Marriage is about finding someone who makes you happy. I have been married for ten years and although we have five children, besides the last one none of the others came from sitting down deciding we want a child. It came from both of us expressing our love for one another in a way that God intended, SEX. If a couple can not produce offspring adopt. Not being able to have children should not change how much the other loves the other. And that goes for both straight couples and gay couples.
No I don't believe a couple should divorce for that reason (or for any reason except abuse for that matter), because I believe that GOD can make what is infertile fertile.

The gay marriage thing on the otherhand is a different story.
No, that is absolutely not a reason to divorce your spouse. There are so many other options out there. You take your spouse for better or for worse. With the good and the bad. Infertility is just a bump in the road that will eventually be overcome by. You would be surprised at how common infertility is now. But marriage is a sacred bond between two people that love each other. You do not part just b/c you are not able to reproduce. That would be devastating to whom the infertile partner is. God always finds a way for infertile couples.
Get lost, what's it got to do with you? Anyway, there's too many children in the world as it is! What's a god got to do with it?
Of course not, contrary to what most posters on this site say--The union represents Jesus and His church, His bride.

Hypocrites say ''do not stay together just for the children'' then they say 'the children should always come first'' RUBBISH--

Listen, when the man truely treats his wife with loving respect and she treats him the same way, the children will be happy and secure.

The marrige is about the wedded couple, kids or no kids.
No, they could adopt or try infertilization, I think India is alot cheaper with a better success rate then here.
No, not at all. In Luke 2:36-38 it talks about an old prophetess who ultimately was a widow, but was married for 7 years, and there is no mention of her having children. Granted, maybe she did but there is no mention of children. She was noted as being very devout to the Lord...

Peter, Jesus' disciple was married (Jesus healed his mother in law), but the Bible makes NO mention of him having children...

The Bible says that children are a gift and an inheritance of the Lord... but that doesn't mean that if you naturally can't give birth you are somehow bad or defective. God also states, ';I hate divorce';. I honestly don't know where else He has used such strong language about his ';feelings'; on a given topic...

Also, just like non Jewish Christians are ';grafted in'; to the family of God through Jesus-we're adopted, likewise, adopting children in need can be the answer for couples who naturally can't have their own... or, even if a couple can have children, adoption is often a choice that couples will think about and some will do...

It's a very personal choice whatever you decide...

Marriage is not solely to procreate. That is a part for SOME couples, but ultimately, marriage is meant to symbolise God's relationship with his people. There is physical intimacy, which we're commanded to participate in so we don't get tempted... there is the emotional fulfillment... marriage in it's intended form is a beautiful, wonderful thing, children are not going to always be a part of the picture and that is ok.
This is too weird a question to even contemplate an answer other than no of course not.

I believe marriage is for love not for reproduction Hence I believe that gay marriage is qualifies as well
Heck no! Just think of all that free time you'd have to practice reproducing. If all that practice gets boring, then you can babysit for your friends who wish they had a little free time to practice reproducing.
This question, and the fact that you believe this, is an abomination aginst God, not two people who love each other.

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